2.4 Achievement Standard and Exemplars


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Throughout the year, you will create a portfolio of writing.


Submit at least two pieces of writing from your portfolio for assessment. See Resource A for a process you might use.

Make sure that each piece of writing:

  • develops, sustains, and structures ideas appropriately for the text type
  • makes connections between ideas
  • uses language features that are appropriate to the audience and purpose
  • uses text conventions accurately so that the writing contains only minor errors.

State the purpose and aims of your writing in a statement of intent before you begin. This will help your teacher to understand what effects you are aiming to achieve in your writing.

You will be assessed on the quality of your structured ideas and writing. Length is not the primary consideration. However, it is unlikely that pieces that are shorter than 500 words will give you the opportunity to demonstrate your skills in crafting and controlling writing.

Resource A – A possible process

Your first piece of writing will be based on the novel The Kite Runner. 

Discuss how the author uses language techniques to develop a main character in the novel, and how this character helps you understand one or more themes/ideas.

Techniques could include figures of speech, syntax, word-choice (Islamic and Farsi words), style, symbolism, structure, foreshadowing, or narrative point-of-view.

Draft a statement of intent, which outlines what you hope to achieve in your writing.

Plan and develop your specific ideas.

Focus on fewer ideas but go into detail as you develop them.

Discuss your plan with your teacher. You will get some feedback, but your teacher cannot tell you specifically how to improve your plan.

Write your first draft.

Discuss your draft with your teacher. You will get some feedback, but your teacher cannot tell you specifically how to improve your draft.

Revise and edit your work.

Check that your text:

  • develops, sustains, and structures ideas appropriately for the text type
  • makes connections between ideas
  • uses language features that are appropriate to the audience and purpose
  • uses text conventions accurately so that the writing contains only minor errors.

Present your final piece for assessment.



Posted by Christopher

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